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Education in the Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Garden

Delavnico o postavljanju visoke grede za zelišča je vodila mag. Nataša Ferant

In the field of medicinal and aromatic plants, we organize various workshops on the production and production processing of herbs. The garden has always played an important role as an educational and research facility. It is open to visitors from April to October. The colorful and fragrant flowers make it particularly attractive in May, June and July. We organize guided tours around the garden for larger groups. Visitors of all ages are lovers of herbs and a healthy lifestyle.

For more information contact: Nataša Ferant, MSc Phone: 03 71 21 635, E-mail:

Strokovno vodenje po Vrtu zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin na Dnevih odprtih vrat
Strokovno vodenje po Vrtu zdravilnih in aromatičnih rastlin na Dnevih odprtih vrat






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