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Kit for home brewing

Komplet za domače varjenje piva ©IHPS
Kit for home brewing ©IHPS

Kit for home brewing is intended for home use, which allows those who are interested in brewing, shall attempt this at home. A lot of interest in the kit is between science teachers in elementary and secondary schools, which use it as a learning tool for lessons related to the biological and chemical processes in nature. But it is also suitable as an original gift for a friend who is interested in the brewing area.

The kit consists of all the necessary ingredients to produce 5 liters of beer. A blend of malts (pils and dark caramel malt), hops, dry brewer’s yeast and instructions for brewing in the home environment. It all comes packed in a neat package. The kit can be sent by mail or redeem it with us. In this case, we would ask you to pre-order as kits are prepared fresh. Kit price with VAT is 10.20 €.

For further information, please contact us at telephone number +386 3 71 21 630 or by e-mail: janez.ozimek @


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