Lucija Luskar
Naziv, ime in priimek
Lucija Luskar, Master of Science in Biotechnology
Popolni naziv
Master of Science in Biotechnology
Oddelek (kratica)
Delovno mesto
Young researcher
Filed of work
Biotechnology and Plant Breeding
Kratek življenjepis
2008 – 2012: First high school in Celje
2012 – 2016: BSc of Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana
2016 – 2019: MSc of Biotechnology, Biotechincal Faculty of Ljubljana
2019 – 2021: Employed at IHPS, project LIFE BioTHOP
2021 – : Young researcher, PhD candidate in Biosciences at Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana
Izbrana dela (max 5)
LUSKAR, Lucija, ERŽEN, Marjeta, ČERENAK, Andreja, JAKŠE, Jernej. Sex determination in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) by detection of male markers using multiplex qPCR. V: The Plant & Animal Genome Conference, PAG 30, January 13-18, 2023, San Diego. Sani Diego: [s. n.], 2023. 1 spletni vir. . [COBISS.SI-ID]
LUSKAR, Lucija, POLANŠEK, Julija, HLADNIK, Aleš, ČEH, Barbara. On-farm composting of hop plant green waste – chemical and biological value of compost. Applied sciences. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 9, art. 4190, str. 1-15, ilustr. ISSN 2076-3417. , DOI. [COBISS.SI-ID]
LUSKAR, Lucija, JAKŠE, Jernej, ČERENAK, Andreja. Interakcija navadnega hmelja (Humulus lupulus L.) in glive Verticillium nonalfalfae = Interaction of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) and Verticillium nonalfalfae. Hmeljarski bilten. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, št. 29, str. 5-22, ilustr. ISSN 0350-0756. [COBISS.SI-ID]
LUSKAR, Lucija, DUŠAK, Barbara, LUKAN, Tjaša, GRUDEN, Kristina. Optimisation of CRISPR/Cas9 technology for gene editing in potato. V: BAEBLER, Špela (ur.), et al. 7th Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology with International Participation, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, September 17-18, 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 1st electronic ed. Ljubljana: Silva Slovenica Publishing Centre, Slovenian Forestry Institute, 2018. Str. 14. ISBN 978-961-6993-44 9. [COBISS.SI-ID]
Biotechnology and Plant Breeding
2008 – 2012: First high school in Celje
2012 – 2016: BSc of Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana
2016 – 2019: MSc of Biotechnology, Biotechincal Faculty of Ljubljana
2019 – 2021: Employed at IHPS, project LIFE BioTHOP
2021 – : Young researcher, PhD candidate in Biosciences at Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana
LUSKAR, Lucija, ERŽEN, Marjeta, ČERENAK, Andreja, JAKŠE, Jernej. Sex determination in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) by detection of male markers using multiplex qPCR. V: The Plant & Animal Genome Conference, PAG 30, January 13-18, 2023, San Diego. Sani Diego: [s. n.], 2023. 1 spletni vir. . [COBISS.SI-ID]
LUSKAR, Lucija, POLANŠEK, Julija, HLADNIK, Aleš, ČEH, Barbara. On-farm composting of hop plant green waste – chemical and biological value of compost. Applied sciences. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 9, art. 4190, str. 1-15, ilustr. ISSN 2076-3417. , DOI. [COBISS.SI-ID]
LUSKAR, Lucija, JAKŠE, Jernej, ČERENAK, Andreja. Interakcija navadnega hmelja (Humulus lupulus L.) in glive Verticillium nonalfalfae = Interaction of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) and Verticillium nonalfalfae. Hmeljarski bilten. [Tiskana izd.]. 2022, št. 29, str. 5-22, ilustr. ISSN 0350-0756. [COBISS.SI-ID]
LUSKAR, Lucija, DUŠAK, Barbara, LUKAN, Tjaša, GRUDEN, Kristina. Optimisation of CRISPR/Cas9 technology for gene editing in potato. V: BAEBLER, Špela (ur.), et al. 7th Slovenian Symposium on Plant Biology with International Participation, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, September 17-18, 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 1st electronic ed. Ljubljana: Silva Slovenica Publishing Centre, Slovenian Forestry Institute, 2018. Str. 14. ISBN 978-961-6993-44 9. [COBISS.SI-ID]